Business Analysis and Digital Transformation
With Digital Analysis, we map your current business’ processes, their flaws and inefficiencies, and the current tech stack associated with these processes.
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Business Analysis and Digital transformation
Digital analysis of a business’ processes, along with its technological infrastructure, can be an eye-opener. Often many processes are a result of the habits of a business, combined with their available systems.
At Cloudify, we have an end-to-end approach to the digital analysis of your business, which assures an overall understanding of what the business’ processes look like, the technologies used, and their faults and inefficiencies. The continuous innovative attitude of our team is always on the lookout to spot new technological infrastructures to support and boost your business.
We Offer Two types of Digital Analysis
Overall Analysis
Here we look, on an overall level, at the company, its value chain, processes and tech used by the company.
3,600 eu
/ 1 workshop
Overall mapping of the company's existing processes and tech stack.
Quantification of the most essential processes
Identification of areas where improvement is neede
Deep Dive Analysis
6,720 eu
/ 2 workshops
List of requirements for the identification of two software systems
Demo of the two systems - end to end based on the requirements
Recommendation of system
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